
Created by Ryanr1987 12 years ago
I Met Angie shortly after meeting Aaron, She was a friendly lady who was very inviting. As I got to know Aaron better I also got to know Angie better, She was a good mother to Aaron and a good friend to me. I used to always stay over Aarons and she would always make sure we where OK and fed bless her. I can't really share a story but I can say that I remember everything and how fantastic she was as a person. Not a bad bone in her body and was always polite even through stressful times. As Aaron followed his path in life and I followed mine we sort of grew apart so didn't see much of Angie for a long time. I would see her randomly around Tesco sometimes and stop for a chat I remember one particular chat, She told she was worried about Aaron and we spoke for quite a while. I did not see Angie for a while after and then I hear the news a few years later.. I'm sorry I couldn't come to the funeral as I live 71 Miles away. Angie look over Aaron and guide him through the right path. Jaime, we never spoke much, I doubt you even know who I am as we have spoken probably a handful of times and I was a teenager at the time, But My Condolences to you. Ryan Rahman